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Classic White

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Preview Order Form

This popular design includes a subtle paper texture
combined with a taupe leather texture
for an understated sophisticated feel.
A decorative frame option and rose elements
can be added for a feminine touch.

Our order form also allows you to select
a custom colour for the leather texture. 
Taupe, Lime and Cranberry examples
can be seen to the left.

Click here to view more colour options.



Process... What's Next?

Upon purchase your chosen design will be creatively customised by a professional graphic designer within 24 hours of completing the order form.

After the checkout, simply follow the order form prompts or complete at a later date via our follow up email which contains handy links to helpful resources that will provide you with plenty of content inspiration. Share your desired content and we'll tailor make contemporary memorial stationery that reflects your loved one. The artwork is emailed to you as a print ready PDF so you can have it printed easily at your local printer or at home.

And yes...
You can request
a set of changes if required...

...although our designer's are pretty good at
getting it right the first time, you'll see!